29 January 2005


You know how you tend to start off on Monday, rested and relaxed, and by Friday you're wound tight like a spring? Well, right now I'm at work, but I'm at work with a belly full of MRE pasta and vegetables, and I'm enjoying a delicious cup of tea. I've lost count of how many cups of tea I've had this week; I may have to go without over the course of the weekend and make sure I'm not getting addicted. It's been a long week, but I've gotten a lot accomplished. Now it's time to relax.

I'm supposed to get a phone call from a buddy of mine who I haven't seen since July of 2003 (he lives in Metropolis, I live in College City, he's in his early thirties, married with two sons and another on the way, I'm an unmarried young buck), but I wouldn't be surprised if the call never comes. I may very well sit in my papasan chair tonight, like I should be able to do every night, and drift off into a temporary vegetative state.

(I'd imagine I'll make a few posts before then, though; don't worry!)


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