18 February 2005

Drive-By Idiocy

I've had a visit from a drive-by twit. Zia had the following to say:

This blog is one of the funniest things i've seen for a while.
I hope it's some kind of satire, for your sake:
'The Fly provides political, national defense, philosophical, and personal commentary. If anyone actually read it, it would be the cure for ignorance in our generation.'
- yeah right

Zia's blog hasn't been updated often enough since its creation in October to have gone to a second page yet. Neither his blog itself nor his profile confirm any expertise (beyond a claim to be a mathematician). He offers no intellectual counter to my posts, he merely attempts to mock me.

You'll excuse me, Zia, if I don't pay much attention to your opinion. If you've got an actual intellectual counter to what I have to say, you can feel free to offer a challenge in a civil manner; this condescending sarcasm only tells me that you're a self-righteous gomer.


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