09 March 2005

Another Computer Lab Crazy

Remember a week or two ago when I posted about the computer lab derelict? Well, another one just waltzed in.

'Round these parts, the law states that one must wear shoes, not socks, shoes, on any floor that isn't routinely washed. Well a few minutes ago, what would my wandering eyes reveal but some unwashed miscreant who looks like the "Nordic aliens" (long, majestic mane of hair, tall, et cetera), carrying a longboard. And on his feet? You guessed it: nothing.

Honestly. This isn't South Hippyville. I realize that it's warm outside, but wear some damned Birks or something. If I'm an infidel capitalist pig and can justify wearing them, then this vagrant should have no problem.

Athlete's Foot fungi love guys like this lunatic. I, on the other hand, want to shave his head and throw him in a shower, most likely against his will.


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