30 March 2005

Think Before Speaking

So as many of you know, I am heavily involved in college radio on campus. My primary show is Tuesdays from 22:00 to 24:00. As I'm driving home every Tuesday night, I tune in to the Jerry Doyle Show, as Tuesday is generally the only weeknight when I'm up late enough to listen.

So last night Jerry was on his usual rampage. I don't tend to completely agree with a lot of the points that he makes, but I don't totally disagree either. Last night, though, he was out in left friggin' field. He pointed out that on Monday:

  • Secretary Rumsfeld held a press conference at the Pentagon.
  • The First Lady announced that she would travel to Afghanistan.
  • President Bush held a press event with Iraqi voters at the White House.

    What did Jerry have to say about this? He pretty much said that these three events were attempts by the Bush Administration to draw attention away from Terri Schiavo, who's languishing and dying down in Florida. Well Jerry, if you're reading this, I'd like to point out several things.

  • The news media is still covering Terri Schiavo as a top story, and has been for weeks.
  • Other things happen in America and the world at large beyond the legal disputes of one family over one person.
  • The Bush Administration has made continuous statements encouraging an outcome in the Terri Schiavo case that would continue her nourishment.

    Now, believe whatever you want about the Terri Schiavo case, but hear me now and believe me later: the government carrying on with its business, and the news media covering it, is not some conspiracy against Terri Schiavo. Terri Schiavo is one person, and the world does not revolve around her; the fact that the news media can't go thirty seconds without someone saying the name "Schiavo" is the travesty here, not the President, First Lady, and Secretary of Defense holding press conferences.

    Welcome to the real world, Jerry.

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