24 May 2005

The Fly Strikes Back

The other day, I read this post over at Right Thinking, and was relieved to find that everyone's favorite curmudgeon blogger disagreed with the reports that Revenge of the Sith had anti-Bush undertones. Last night I went to see it, and I was, unfortunately, not surprised to find that I disagreed with Lee on yet another issue. Am I willing to say, outright, that "Lee was wrong" as I have so often lately? I'm not going to go that far today, but I really feel that Lee had a selective interpretation.

I've detected anti-war/anti-Bush sentiments in other films in the past few years. I still believe that Eric Bana's speech to his wife in Troy was a well-disguised dig at the Bush administration. I think that lee related it to what he wanted to relate it to. Based on Lee's remarks, I went in expecting that it would not be an anti-Bush movie, so the comments were especially noticeable to me.

I'll just say that I think it's unfortunate, because a lot of people are going to notice that for the rest of their lives, long after our present crisis has ended.

That having been said, I enjoyed the film overall. I thought the special effects were amazing, I thought the storyline was good, and I enjoyed the way things were tied together. There were a few disappointments, though.

  • I thought that Anakin's conversion to the Dark Side was a little too quick. I realize that he was worried about Padme, and that the birth was impending, but it was as if his many years of training and indoctrination were just dumped in a matter of minutes. That wasn't very believable.
  • George Lucas has often been criticized for horrendous transgressions against dialogue, and this was no exception. Even Hayden Christensen, who was widely criticized after Episode II, did wonders with the dialogue they were given, but overall the dialogue could have been much, much, much better. In particular, Darth Vader's dialogue at the end of the film was scarcely tolerable. "Noooooooooo!" Come on, folks.
  • They offed, or at least appeared to off, Mace Windu. Not cool.

    Anyway, these things

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