20 May 2005

Foot In Mouth Disease

Once again, Lee is wrong. I'll give you the highlights.

Un-fucking-believable. I can, on some level, understand their stance on gay marriage or abortion or women priests or any of the other issues facing the Catholic Church. But what possible reason could there be for insisting on the ingredients making up the host? Can anyone out there honestly say that Jesus Himself would care one whit what the host was made from? I mean, they’re not actually eating Jesus’ body, it’s a symbolic gesture. So this poor girl, who in this day and age is still devoutly religious, goes to seek communion, and has it invalidated? Is there anyone out there who can explain the logic in this? Because I can’t even begin to imagine.

To which a reader immediately replied:

Catholics believe in transubstiation- the wafer actually BECOMES the body of Christ, it is not a symbolic gesture. This is one of things that Martin Luther disagreed with in his 95 Thesis, leading to a split in the church.

To which Lee replied:

Wow, I didn’t know that. And the Church wonders why it’s having trouble filling the pews.

Whether you like the Roman Catholic Church or not, there's no denying that Lee went off half-cocked, and was, once again, incorrect, due to a defficiency of details. Are you surprised? Neither am I.


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