11 May 2005

Get Out of Dodge

Reading this story about medical workers leaving Africa reminds me of several stories. This story documented Africans refusing to even seek treatment because they were suspicious of medical personnel in isolation gear. This story was about five Bulgarian nurses who have been held in Libya since 1999 because the Libyans think that they injected a bunch of children with HIV.

Just food for thought.

UPDATE: Oh, and there's this story, too! Apparently there are at least sixty cases of pediatric polio in Yemen. I'll let the BBC explain...

Sixteen previously polio-free countries have reported new cases since 2003, when a polio vaccine boycott in Nigeria was blamed for spreading the disease.


Hard-line Islamic clerics claimed the polio vaccination was part of a plot by the US to make people infertile or give them HIV/Aids.

Again, just food for thought.


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