19 May 2005

State of the Fly

Here's the story. I've got math homework that has to be done by 09:00, and once that (and today's two classes) are done, I'll be doing some work on that Mormonism paper in preparation for an interview with the director of the LDS Institute of Religion, which sits right across the street from campus. Beyond that, my plans for the day aren't precisely clear. My hope is to have half an hour somewhere in there where I can do a quick check of the news and post what's important.

For some reason, I'm extremely tired this morning. I slept in about an hour this morning (because I could, finally), and I'm having a hard time motivating myself to get out of my chair and get ready. Alas, I've reached the point of no return, when I have to get ready in order to get that homework done on time.

It's been raining consistently since late yesterday morning, and between class and my car yesterday afternoon I was caught by a torrential downpour. It very rarely hits that hard, even here in the Pacific Northwest, but even so, I'm going out prepared: Carhartt jeans, Carhartt jacket, Gore-Tex combat boots with wool socks, wool watch cap... You get the picture. Fool me once, rain, shame on you. Fool me... You can't get fooled again.


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