26 June 2005

Sources and Purpose

One of my newest commenters, Sara, posted the following comments:

you know, i have a feeling that if i really read all these articles you post, i would be so very informed. an informed right-wing, but informed just the same. sensory overload. must try harder.

There are a couple of things worth noting here, so I want to address Sara's comment.

First, it's important to note that I don't restrict myself to right wing sources. True, one of my big sources is Fox News, and another is Tech Central Station. But my others are CNN, BBC News, and AFP Spacewar. I obviously comment on things with a conservative perspective, but most of the actual articles don't have an inherently conservative bias; in fact, considering the overwhelming left wing media bias, anyone who read all of the articles I posted would most likely begin to see things from a leftist perspective.

So why hasn't the liberal indoctrination fest worked on me? Well, there are three reasons. First, I tend to be stubborn, so I'm not easily convinced of anything I don't believe already. Second, I, like Khan Noonien Singh, have a superior intellect (Ha!) that allows me to sift through the crap and find the facts. Third, I've been garnering solid journalistic experience in various roles since I was a freshman in high school, nine years ago.

I also figure that it's worth explaining my purpose. I refused to read blogs (I still hate the word) for a long time, until finally stumbling upon Right Thinking while looking up some stuff about Michael Moore. I was hooked instantly, long before I even figured out that Lee was running a "blog". I started reading more blogs, including Free Will. Particularly at Right Thinking, I often spent a lot of time writing up comments to various posts, and fisking trolls who didn't have the sense to keep their fingers off of their keyboards and actually read what was being written.

Eventually, in December of 2004, I broke down and started TSTF. I started it for two reasons. First and foremost, it helps me keep myself accountable for checking the news every day; I post the articles that interest me, and try to put eight to fifteen posts up per day. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. TSTF also gives me an outlet for whining and bragging and such; really, this is half of what blogging is. Right?

I must be doing something right, because over the last six months I've picked up a handful of regular readers, and been linked by most of them. That's better than most bloggers can say after half a year, and I've seen bloggers who have been at it a lot longer than me who don't have nearly the number of readers. Maybe someday I'll even start making money from blogging, but I'm not holding my breath.


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