25 June 2005

TCS Alert

There are some great articles for you to check out over at Tech Central Station.

First, there's an article by Iain Murray. Why should you check it out? Aside from behind profound and giving you a good analysis of the political climate of this week's anti-poverty campaign, and how it's just the same old socialist claptrap with new packaging, it has a picture of Ginger Spice in her Union Jack minidress.

Hans Labohm has a great article about why Kyoto should be cancelled immediately. He looks very strange, but then again, so do many great conservative thinkers. Krauthammer, anyone?

Rory Miller has an article about the European Union's baseless support of the "Palestinian" Authority. Very much worth reading.

Ariel Cohen calls out Senator Durbin and Amnesty International for their baseless and irresponsible comparison of the Gitmo detention center to a Soviet gulag.

Comparing Guantanamo's tropical Caribbean detention center with Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin's hellish frozen concentration camps makes about as much sense as calling the London police "Nazis." My grandfather perished in the Gulag, as did tens of millions of others, and I am incensed at Amnesty's gall in trivializing their suffering for political purposes.

Go check it out. And, saving the best for last, Lee Harris has an absolutely outstanding piece on why Mormonism is better than Marxism. It's short and poignant. Here's a great excerpt:

The American philosophy known as pragmatism should best be understood as a method by which intellectuals can try to come to terms with the religions of hard work. It looks at a figure like Brigham Young and it says, "I grant you that there is much that is frankly silly and absurd about Mormonism. Yet look at what the Mormons were able to do. They took a desert and transformed it into a garden."

It makes the point, and it's absolutely correct, that intellectuals want to talk and think and accomplish little or nothing; they want the world handed to them. Regular workers, particularly workers motivated by the Protestant work ethic, want to honor God by working hard and accomplishing something, that they might be rewarded by continued survival on Earth and the reward of Heaven. Read this article, folks.


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