14 July 2005

Out of Commission

I have two computers, a laptop, and a desktop. Right before I went to Europe last year, the desktop took a nose dive, getting virus infested to the point that I can't open Internet Exploder without about a thousand new windows popping up before I can shut them all. I haven't taken it in to get repaired because I've had my laptop.

This morning my laptop demonstrated itself to be out of commission. It's either got a virus, or it's just plain broken. That means I'm confined either to my mother's computer, which is an old piece of junk, or the computers at work, which I don't always have ready access to.

I'm going to try to get at least one of my machines in today to get fixed, probably the desktop since it's needed help the longest. I'll try to post as I'm able, but it may be a couple of days before I'm back up to full speed.

- Fly

UPDATE: I took my desktop in, and it's looking to be about $150 to bring it back to fighting strength. Since I need a computer, and it's the one that's been messed up the longest, I went ahead and had them fix it. I should have it back tomorrow afternoon, reconditioned and sporting a new virus scanner. I'll most likely take the laptop in when I go in to pick up the desktop. It's more money than I want to spend before my next paycheck, but my next paycheck will most likely be pretty big, and I have plenty in the bank at this point from last month's paycheck, birthday money, and graduation money, so it's not a big issue.

What's this mean to you, the valued reader? TSTF is basically on hiatus until tomorrow evening, but it should be back at full strength by then. Hopefully the reconditioning will also allow me to use my scanner, so you might start getting more frequent pictures. Without a computer, tonight will probably entail some reading for me, after my workout. While I have a few minutes, I'll tell you what I've accomplished so far today.

  • I took the laptop in to the shop and chatted with the guys, who are pretty good blokes. By the way, the head guy said that Firefox isn't worth your effort.
  • I went to Staples and picked up blank note cards. I go through these with some regularity, though I've not had to buy more in quite a while. I got a pack of five hundred. What do I do with note cards? Well, for one thing, I make a list every week of the things I need to accomplish.
  • I went to the bank where I deposited two checks from my birthday, and cashed in the contents of my change jar. The final result from the change jar was nearly $68; normally it's about $55 or so, so I must have had more quarters in there than usual. I highly recommend the change jar method, because it's basically a way to make your own money back from yourself.
  • I went to the sports and auto center and picked up oil; my car's about five hundred miles past due for an oil change, and I have the filter and all the equipment, I just haven't had the time and the oil. Now I have the oil, and I just have to find an hour to do it.

    What do I have left to do?

  • I skipped my workout early this afternoon so that I could get the aforementioned errands done; I even turned down a spontaneous invitation from Super Dave to take a trip up to Metropolis to go to the finest used book store I have ever been to in my life. (Coincidentally, also a great place to take a date, as I have twice before.) I'll either hit the road on my bicycle for about fifty minutes, or go back over to College City and hit the pool for twenty-five.
  • I have to go to work shortly, where I'll put in two hours, mostly doing a couple of paperwork tasks (two of which are personal, not professional).
  • I need to read, and I need to do a bit of research for my next overdue paper. Since I don't personally have a working computer right now, doing the research (and noting whatever pertinent information I find on my new note cards) is the only thing I can do that will qualify for my "Write" task on today's to-do list.
  • I'd really like to get my hair cut. It needs it.

    Anyway, I'll change for work and be gone. Stay out of trouble, folks. If I think of anything really profound to note on here, I'll try to get it on via mom's computer, but I can't make any promises.

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