25 July 2005

Why the Sports Question?

I've thought for a while that I ought to pick up a sport to "follow". Baseball's out, because the players are a bunch of 'roid raging jerks. Basketball and football are out because the players are a bunch of gang bangin' thugs. Hockey's out because it has to be the most uncivilized sport ever conceived. Sports that I'll refer to as "Olympic style" (running, swimming, et cetera) get almost no actual coverage, and are somewhat tough to watch and follow, so they're out.

So what does that leave? You guessed it: sports that I'll refer to as "British sports". "Football", rugby, cricket, and golf. Now, these have to be narrowed down as well.

Football (soccer) isn't particularly interesting, and most of the football enthusiasts in the States are a bunch of wannabe Eurotrash wankers. Don't believe me? Watch the episode of King of the Hill where Will Ferrell plays the coach of "The Wind". *shudder*

Golf's out. It's completely asinine. Asinine clothes, asinine rules, and it's completely boring.

A cricket game can take days, and it tends to be a sport for elite Brits. There's also less international appeal than there could be; it's essentially a sport for Brits and the residents of their former colonies, and nobody else.

So where does that leave me? Rugby. So in the next couple of weeks, I'm going to read up on the rules, figure out a team to follow, and become a rugby enthusiast. It takes a real man to play rugby. That makes me a real man vicariously for following rugby. Right?


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