02 June 2008

Random Bits

Hey folks! I hope everyone had a great weekend. My weekend was excellent, and included a fantastic display of the Great Material Continuum at work. When I moved from Zoo Station to Van Dieman's Station, I left behind my television set. I'd had it since high school, and while it was painful to leave it behind, one must sometimes be a bit mercenary in such matters. On Saturday, while visiting Furious D and his family, I noted as we walked out into the car hole that they had the exact same television set that I used to have. Given that they'd basically agreed to take it from some neighbors who were moving, they offered it to me. That's right, folks: I finally have a television set again. Time for some Halo!

Those of you who might read this months or years down the line will probably be out of luck, but if you're reading it while it's on the front page, I encourage you to listen to this podcast from the BBC, from 06:52 until 11:40. That portion is an interview with Czech President Vaclav Klaus, who's written a book arguing that the current radical environmentalism craze is every bit as totalitarian, biased, and dangerous as communism. It's really worth listening to him as he puts the BBC reporter, Richard Howells, to shame on the issue.

Today's satellite image, continuing with the theme of places in North Africa that will be mentioned or appear in my book, is Leptis Magna in Libya. These are some of the best-preserved Roman ruins in the world, and they're part of a Libyan government program to develop environmentally sustainable archaeological tourism. Here's a Wiki link.

Have a great day, and a great week, folks!


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