25 July 2008

Arbeit Macht Freitag

Hey folks! Just a couple of quick items today - and Stuff Fly Wants for tomorrow.

  • Article: Filipino war's lessons for Iraq by Michael Medved
  • Article: Playstation 2 component incites African War
  • Satellite image: the British Museum, site of a new exhibit about Emperor Hadrian

    Just one more political jab for this week. First off, it's not surprising that the folks at the British Museum would make a point of constructing an exhibit around Hadrian, a Roman emperor who was well known for having a romantic relationship with a teenage boy and who, unbeknownst to me, consolidated his predecessor's gains by pulling troops out of Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq). At any rate, I saw an article earlier this week: What Hadrian can teach Obama. There are just three small issues: Senator Obama isn't president yet; it's far from certain that he'll ever be president; and, oh yeah, despite his circus act of a world tour, the Europeans who he's trying to garner support and adulation from can't vote. Interestingly enough, I heard a rumor that the freshman Senator from Illinois was greeted by Israelis with McCain campaign signs at the airport in Tel Aviv. You can't write comedy like that. On the other hand...

    "Democrats have accurately predicted seven of our last two recessions." Ouch.

    Alright, folks, time for me to head to work. Take it easy, and for those of you who check the blog from work, have a great weekend.

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