AMF: Hairy and Single
So, here we are. I'm still largely avoiding the news, but I checked on a few reliable standby sites over the last couple of days, and I have a few stories. Also, there are a few straggling political links that ought to be posted. These will dwindle, I hope.
First, two real news stories. Wednesday was Guy Fawkes Day, and the BBC carried an article claiming that one of the executed Gunpowder Plotters may have been innocent. Interested at all in English history? Go read. The other article worth posting is an AP piece that quotes Crazy Uncle Muammar, who claims that Western versus ex-Soviet competition benefits Libya when it comes to selling arms to the no-longer-blacklisted country. The sheer oddity of the purveyor of the Economic Basis of the Third Universal Theory (Qaddhafi-centered Arab nationalist socialism/communism) praising free market competition is literally hilarious to me.
Political links? I'm not going to bother talking about them very much, I'm just going to bullet point them.
'The World is My Constituency' - An FSM author discusses President-Elect Obama's likely foreign policy philosophy.
Less is the New More - KT McFarland, outstanding columnist that she is, discusses our near term economic future now that everyone's finished focusing on the election. If you click no other link on this post, click and read this one. You'll be glad that you did.
The Day After - Historian and brilliant commentator Victor Davis Hanson provides a sober and eloquent analysis of what's next for both parties, and for the United States as a whole.
The Onion: Black Guy Asks Nation for Change - We're nothing if we can't laugh at ourselves and our situation, and this article certainly helps with that cathartic comedic process.
Filibuster Cartoons: A Powell-ful Endorsement - Filibuster cartoonist J.J. McCullough dissects Colin Powell's Iscariotic endorsement of Barack Obama.
XKCD: The Election - As pointed out by Ariadne in the comics, this one pretty much says it all.
Today's video is sort of hit or miss. It's something related to Dr. Who, I know that much; the only reason I've put it up here is because it features one of my favorite songs, "Don't Turn Out Like Your Mother" by the Proclaimers. This song is from a forgotten era when the Proclaimers' music hadn't been reduced to leftist screeds, whining and bitching about politics and religion.
Okay, so there are a couple of pieces of news about my life that I feel like sharing. The first is that, barring complete and total collapse on my part, I don't intend to date for three months starting this previous Saturday. It's not that I've dated much to begin with in recent months, but I believe very strongly that I've decisively entered the second half, or perhaps the final third, of my time in my current circumstances. Given that women I've dated haven't responded well to changes in my life (such as moves), it would probably be counter-productive to so much as search for women at this point, let alone try to actually date one of them when I just plan to move on anyway.
The second piece of news is that one of my co-workers, whose beard is far more comprehensive than my own, has challenged me to a No-Shave November. I've technically already failed because I shaved earlier this week, but unless I'm about to go crazy, my intention is to not shave, at all, until December. This will probably help with what I described in the preceding paragraph.
M@ arrives in Old Dominion this weekend. For the next six weeks or so, I'll have one of my buddies from [Generic State University] here to hang with. That's just so exceptionally awesome, it's not even funny.
Also, perhaps most importantly in this entire post, the commentator formerly known as Law School Goddess, and presently known as Triathlon Goddess, has officially passed the 2008 Texas Bar Examination. She's officially an attorney. Per her decree, a new nickname will be assigned within the next several days. I'm not sure whether we'll be continuing with the whole "goddess" theme, but the legal theme will continue at her behest. Congratulations to her - I knew all along that she could and would do it, she's worked hard, and I'm very proud of her. Mighty Mo would be too, if she were sober.
And, finally, they're celebrating two hundred thirty-three years of the United States Marine Corps at work today, so The Fly will be wearing a suit for the second time in a month. Something about that just doesn't sit well with me, I don't mind telling you. Ooh rah, Semper Fidelis, et cetera.
More tomorrow, at least in theory. Have a great day.
UPDATE: Ehhhh, forget it. Marine Corps Hawaiian shirt, as seen in the attached picture of myself and the Butt Rubber at Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Parlor, 05th July 2008. This was the end of what will quite probably continue to go down in history as "The Best Weekend Ever", and I got the shirt in question at the National Museum of the Marine Corps. I've even gotten questions and compliments about it from Marines, so I'm just going to assume that it will do. The actual birthday isn't until Monday; I'll wear a suit then. Ooh rah.
First, two real news stories. Wednesday was Guy Fawkes Day, and the BBC carried an article claiming that one of the executed Gunpowder Plotters may have been innocent. Interested at all in English history? Go read. The other article worth posting is an AP piece that quotes Crazy Uncle Muammar, who claims that Western versus ex-Soviet competition benefits Libya when it comes to selling arms to the no-longer-blacklisted country. The sheer oddity of the purveyor of the Economic Basis of the Third Universal Theory (Qaddhafi-centered Arab nationalist socialism/communism) praising free market competition is literally hilarious to me.
Political links? I'm not going to bother talking about them very much, I'm just going to bullet point them.
Today's video is sort of hit or miss. It's something related to Dr. Who, I know that much; the only reason I've put it up here is because it features one of my favorite songs, "Don't Turn Out Like Your Mother" by the Proclaimers. This song is from a forgotten era when the Proclaimers' music hadn't been reduced to leftist screeds, whining and bitching about politics and religion.
Okay, so there are a couple of pieces of news about my life that I feel like sharing. The first is that, barring complete and total collapse on my part, I don't intend to date for three months starting this previous Saturday. It's not that I've dated much to begin with in recent months, but I believe very strongly that I've decisively entered the second half, or perhaps the final third, of my time in my current circumstances. Given that women I've dated haven't responded well to changes in my life (such as moves), it would probably be counter-productive to so much as search for women at this point, let alone try to actually date one of them when I just plan to move on anyway.
The second piece of news is that one of my co-workers, whose beard is far more comprehensive than my own, has challenged me to a No-Shave November. I've technically already failed because I shaved earlier this week, but unless I'm about to go crazy, my intention is to not shave, at all, until December. This will probably help with what I described in the preceding paragraph.
M@ arrives in Old Dominion this weekend. For the next six weeks or so, I'll have one of my buddies from [Generic State University] here to hang with. That's just so exceptionally awesome, it's not even funny.
Also, perhaps most importantly in this entire post, the commentator formerly known as Law School Goddess, and presently known as Triathlon Goddess, has officially passed the 2008 Texas Bar Examination. She's officially an attorney. Per her decree, a new nickname will be assigned within the next several days. I'm not sure whether we'll be continuing with the whole "goddess" theme, but the legal theme will continue at her behest. Congratulations to her - I knew all along that she could and would do it, she's worked hard, and I'm very proud of her. Mighty Mo would be too, if she were sober.
And, finally, they're celebrating two hundred thirty-three years of the United States Marine Corps at work today, so The Fly will be wearing a suit for the second time in a month. Something about that just doesn't sit well with me, I don't mind telling you. Ooh rah, Semper Fidelis, et cetera.
More tomorrow, at least in theory. Have a great day.

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