Wherein The Fly Thrives in Chaos and Uncertainty
Last night was very productive, but very busy. Here's the news, much of which is about Afghanistan.
CNN: Former Soviet general: U.S. can't win - We can win; I fear that President Obama's ideology will prevent us from winning.
CNN: U.S. lawmakers question 2011 Afghan exit plan
BBC: Italy 'to boost Afghan mission'
Guardian: Obama's friends and enemies hit out at withdrawal date
Times: Obama war strategy attacked from both sides, Republican doves begin to hatch - Republicans support the troops. Republicans, by and large, are mature enough to understand that military force is too often the only answer to pressing international challenges. However, Republicans will continue to be reticent to send American troops into harm's way under politically-imposed circumstances that prevent such sacrifices from accomplishing anything relevant to our own national security. That's not being a dove - that's being realistic.
Times: "At last. Obama’s vision offers hope for all sides" - Huh. That's funny, I usually expect ignorant idiocy from The Guardian, not The Times.
Times: The West must talk; the Taleban need only wait
Michael Totten: Obama's Afghanistan Speech
Der Spiegel: Searching in Vain for the Obama Magic
I'm very, very worried about the direction that President Obama is trying to take this war. The economy is in real trouble; our country may be damaged beyond the point of no return if we give up in Afghanistan based on arbitrary time tables and a lack of national will and perspective.
Deadly bus explosion in Damascus kills Iranian pilgrims (BBC, Guardian); Guardian: Explosion shakes Syrian security
CNN: Climate research head resigns after leaked emails
Copenhagen talks must fail: top scientist (Guardian, Times) - James Hansen has lost any possible trace of credibility.
AP: Chechen Rebels Claim Deadly Russian Train Bombing
BBC: [Pakistani] Drug addicts offered therapy - and military training - Oh, great.
BBC: Mauritanian police chief sacked [following Spanish kidnapping]
BBC: North Korean designer jeans go on sale in Sweden - Thanks for the help, Sweden. Wankers...
Guardian: Libya convicts Swiss over Gaddafi's son
Guardian: Indefinite population growth is not an option - It's a good thing for us that global population is declining.
Times: US troops destroy Royal Navy's beer stash - I love beer. If I were in Iraq or Afghanistan, I wouldn't drink beer - and let's face it, beer is as much a part of my culture as it is a part of British, or French, or German, or Italian culture. These frequent stories of European soldiers drinking while deployed is a statement to the symptomatic breakdown in discipline and professionalism among many European units during the course of the last twenty or thirty years. It's very unfortunate.
Times: British Navy shows Iraqi sailors the ropes
Times: Sympathy letter from Gordon Brown arrives two years after soldier's death - A few months ago, I posted a link to a BBC audio slideshow entitled Soldier and Son, in which Ian Sadler talked about his son, Jack Sadler, over still photographs of Jack. Jack Sadler died in Afghanistan in 2007. I apparently missed the fact that Jack Sadler died in 2007, instead of 2009; Gordon Brown and his staff apparently missed the fact that they hadn't sent the condolence letter to Jack Sadler's father, Ian. Truly pathetic of the Brown Government - completely and totally unacceptable. Gordon Brown is going to lose the upcoming election, and he and the Labour Party deserve to lose the upcoming election.
Check in tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow is Saturday. Check in tomorrow. Until then, have an excellent Friday.
I'm very, very worried about the direction that President Obama is trying to take this war. The economy is in real trouble; our country may be damaged beyond the point of no return if we give up in Afghanistan based on arbitrary time tables and a lack of national will and perspective.
Check in tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow is Saturday. Check in tomorrow. Until then, have an excellent Friday.
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