21 January 2005

Mohammed Agrees!

Let me tell you, after being called "another dimestore backlash conservative" by some knuckle-dragging mouth-breather who was too insecure to leave his name, finding out that Mohammed of Iraq the Model has the same thoughts as me is the greatest way to wind down a long day.

Sarah Boxer (boxer@nytimes.com) in her latest piece on the NYT tried hard to put together some rotten limbs to produce a creature that satisfies her fantasy but she ended up introducing a new mutant to the readers and to the methods of journalism.
It wasn't a surprise for me as it was just another reproduction of the old ways of the corrupt side of the MSM in dealing with facts and events.

Wow! And how about this?

I won't be exaggerating if I said that I find a close resemblance between the ways of the media and those of terror in dealing with events; both are using ugly and cheap maneuvers to get attention. These methods could be even horrible and dangerous but never convincing.

Sarah Boxer, consider yourself served.


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