30 January 2005

Watch for Falling Sky

This is pretty cute. I'll add Italics where appropriate.

Dangerous levels of climate change could be reached in just over 20 years if nothing is done to stop global warming, a WWF study has warned.

At current rates, the earth will be 2C above pre-industrial levels some time between 2026 and 2060, says the report by Dr Mark New of Oxford University.

Temperatures in the Arctic could rise by three times this amount, it says.

It would lead to a loss of summer sea ice and tundra vegetation, with polar bears and other animals dying out.

It would also mean a fundamental change in the ways Inuit and other Arctic residents live.

Dr New said: "A very robust result from global climate models is that warming due to greenhouse gases will reduce the amount of snow and ice cover in the Arctic, which will in turn produce an additional warming as more solar radiation is absorbed by the ground and the ocean."

I want you, gentle reader, to note all of the "ifs" and "coulds" in there, as well as the note that this based on the "global climate models." The "global climate models" can't even tell whether or not it will rain next week, and we expect them to give us accurate doom and gloom messages based on a few years of controversial, incomplete data?

Let's just say that I'll be laughing all the way to my SUV.


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