27 February 2005

Analyzing the Bush Doctrine

You know, I hadn't quite thought of this, but Bane makes a lot of sense. In the comments to one of his posts, he writes:

People who say Bush is stupid for touting the gay marriage thing don't understand how truly sly he is. He picks the most devisive issue that separates Liberal from Conservative, beats on the drum, and flushes all the snakes from the tall grass. Every time some homo or homo-symp squawks about it, they out themselves, and we discriminate and move on.

Brilliant strategy. The Iraq attack has done the same thing, by flushing out our traitors here, and showing us who our friends and enemies in the world really are. And better yet, making our enemies out themselves.


Now, as usual, Bane could stand to use some gentler language, but then again, that's the beauty of Bane: he doesn't sugar coat anything. At any rate, he's spot on. By championing traditional marriage while using rational, even-handed rhetoric to discuss the issue of "gay marriage," the President forces his opponents to come out into the open, thus forcing them to orient to him and not vice versa. It's the same on the Iraq War. By attacking an open, unabashed state sponsor of terrorism, but one that wasn't directly involved in 9/11, he forced the nations of the world to show their hand; now we know which of our "allies" we can rely on to do the right thing (Britain, Poland, Italy, Australia, et cetera) and which we can rely on to fink out on us when the going gets rough (Canada, France, Germany, Spain, and Russia).


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