12 February 2005

Gone Mad

"The thing about the world is it's gone mad."
- Spin Doctors

Is it just me, or has the Internet gone haywire today? I've been disconnected from AIM about three times for no good reason, Blogger has screwed up Internet Explorer on two computers I've used today (we'll see how this one turns out), and one of my online friends (who can't take no for an answer) has flipped out on me. Why?

Apparently, I'm supposed to love Valentine's Day and all religious holidays because they make her feel good. The fact that most major church holidays are Roman Catholic redresses of preexisting Pagan holidays and festivals doesn't matter to her; she enjoys giving people presents on "Christmas," and how dare I think that that's sacreligious? She's the one who said "sacreligious," not me, and this after she'd told me I was "lacking in logic." Why? Well, silly me, I think that people shouldn't pick one or two days a year to go out of their way to treat their special companions right, or one or two days a year to be faithful to God.

Overall, today's been a good day. I had an impromptu lunch with M@, I hung out for a while with Super Dave, and though I highly dislike Valentine's Day, a friend of mine who sends the best gifts sent me a hilarious card and an equally hilarious magnet.

Star Trek: Enterprise was decent tonight; not stellar, but decent. Unfortunately, I confused Battlestar Galactica and 24, and mistakenly thought that Galactica was on at 2100. Unfortunately, this led to me channel surfing (for what it's worth, A Night at the Roxbury is so bad, it's not even worth linking to) and finally watching Fox News for half an hour to pass the time. Fox News, on a Friday night; what's the world coming to when Friday night television is so incredibly poor in quality that I'm reduced to watching a replay of the day's news?

Anyway. I think I had more to complain about, but Galactica's on now, and I'm in a rather surly mood due to the aforementioned exchange. A couple more posts, then heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to bed I go.


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