11 February 2005

Long Range Firing Mullahs

It looks like the mullahs have been watching Jude Law films.

VIENNA, Austria -- Iran has contracted to buy hundreds of high-powered rifles from an Austrian firm, the company's owner said Wednesday. The sale drew an indirect rebuke from the United States, but Austrian government ministries said no laws were broken.

Wolfgang Fuerlinger, head of Steyr Mannlicher GmbH, confirmed the deal between his company and Iranian authorities and said U.S. Embassy officials had expressed concerns the arms could make their way to Iraq for use against American troops.

He said he could not confirm Austrian media reports that part of the order -- 800 long-range semiautomatic rifles that can penetrate thick metal, along with high-tech snipers' scopes -- was flown to Iran last month.

It's so nice to see that the European Union is really serious about limiting Iran's hostile ambitions. "No laws were broken." Well congratulations. You want a cookie, Austria?

(Link via Free Will.)


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