19 February 2005

Ordinary World

"Where is my friend when I need you most? Gone away."
- Duran Duran

It's been a rough term. The few of you who have been regular followers of my life (though I don't write that much about myself) know that my grandfather died at the beginning of January, my brother left at the end of December for Wyoming to go to school, and I've been overloaded with work, most of it school-related. And now, as I've said before, I'll likely be single again within twenty-four hours.

Am I happy about it? Well, I'm vexed. The girlfriend lives in England; that's where I met her last year. Since I returned home last September, I've voiced my concerns at rarely hearing from her several times. In addition to that, whenever I try to talk about politics or religion (issues that my regular readers will recognize as being very important to me), her eyes glaze over and she changes the subject. Now, you can just ask Sarah: I'm great at getting along with people who disagree with me, but even if I disagree with someone, I have a hard time connecting with them if I can't be transparent with them and express my thoughts. If you ask me, that's not how two people are supposed to build a relationship, and hopefully a marriage.

I called her this afternoon (late evening over there) and I expressed these concerns to her. Needless to say, she didn't take the news very well. There was a lot of silence on the other side, and a lot of tears. I don't know how the situation is going to turn out, but I know that things need to change drastically if I'm going to keep investing my time and energy. As it stands now, I have all of the disadvantages of being single with none of the advantages of being attached.

Any way you slice it, it's going to be a rough weekend. At least I don't have to wear my suit until Tuesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything will work out. Lately I've been finding that some of the shittiest things I've had to do have turned out to have the best results.

Life's a wonderful bitch that way.

10:43 PM  

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