15 February 2005

Tuesday Morning Bollocks

Okay, you know that career fair I mentioned in an earlier post? It turns out I'm a bit early... One hundred sixty-eight hours early, to be exact. That's right, wankers, I'm going to have to put my black dockers, black sport coat, grey dress shirt and black and white necktie on all over again a week from now.

Bollocks. Bollocks, bollocks, bollocks.

At least I look good for the day, which would be great, except that it's TUESDAY and I won't have an opportunity to CHANGE until after FIVE IN THE FRIGGIN' AFTERNOON.

Bollocks. Total, complete unadulterated bollocks.

UPDATE: Well, I at least had a chance to go get changed, so instead of wearing my monkey suit, I'm in Carhartt jeans, a T-shirt, and a wooly pully. This takes some stress off of me, and next week I won't have a meeting with Professor Clean to worry about.

So much for the whole Joshua 2 "spy sign" thing, huh?


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