24 February 2005

Paranoid Pakistanis

Oh brother.

Pakistan has warned the US that any sale of its Patriot anti-missile system to India could plunge the region into a new crisis.

Islamabad said on Wednesday it was opposed to any kind of arms race in South Asia and would like the region to be free of any systems like Patriot.

Foreign office spokesman, Masood Khan, said he did not believe India was on the verge of purchasing Patriot.

But he said Islamabad had warned the US a sale could erode regional deterrence.

So there's no indication that the U.S. is going to sell Patriot missiles to India (at least, not from the article), yet the Pakistanis are making a big fuss over it? As to the threat of an "arms race", even the BBC writer who wrote the article (as if the BBC knows anything about military hardware) acknowledge that the Patriot system is a purely defensive asset; the only thing you can attack with a Patriot missile is an incoming missile.

Oh no! It's an arms race!


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