14 February 2005

Poking Fun at the French

I sent this link to my Naval Science instructor, Colonel Schoutter last week. This is the sequence of our conversation over E-Mail.


Thought you and your Marines might enjoy the following image.

Non sibi,

To which he replied...

Mr. Drosophil,

That is a great sign. I cannot imagine a worse combination, French and journalist.

LtCol Schoutter

To which I said:


How about "French" and "soldier"!?


To which he replied:

Good one

It's funny because it's true.


Blogger The Fly said...

Sarah: Perhaps this will give you some perspective.

It's not a matter of the French having lost military credibility; with the exception of Vauban (a defensive expert, not offensive) and Napoleon (actually a Corsican, who used primarily non-French troops in almost all of his campaigns), the French have never been militarily proficient. Most of their actual victories beyond these two examples were fought by the Normans, who are ethnically and culturally different.

10:37 PM  

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