14 February 2005

Scripture Update

Well, I've decided that I'm going to read the Old Testament book of Joshua, following my moderately successful work reading Job. Sarah suggested I read Hebrews, but the truth is that I'm much more familiar with the New Testament than I am with the Old, I've never read Joshua before, and I'm in the mood lately for some good old fashioned sword fights. (For what it's worth, Beckstraordinary has noted on a number of occasions that young men should read Joshua as opposed to the Song of Solomon because "playing with swords" is healthier than thinking about women; right now, that's a very good suggestion.)

I've read the first chapter today, and Joshua and most of the Hebrews are getting ready to cross the Jordan River into Canaan and take what God has promised to them. Apparently three of the tribes have been promised land on the east side of the Jordan River? I'll have to look into that one.

And for what it's worth, I think the ship has sailed on giving something up for Lent, other than sex, which I've given up for the last twenty-two years straight.


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