10 February 2005

Wednesday in the PM

Here's a bit of an update. I've been doing almost nothing but reading (and eating a light dinner) since I got to work a couple of hours ago. I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to be up to page 225, or just to page 150 in the Quran. I'm think it's 150, so that's how far I'm going to (attempt to) get read between now and tomorrow morning at 0900. I've just finished Sura 4 (about page sixty-seven), and Sura 11 ends on page 150 (or 149 or 151), so that's my goal. Can I do it? Maybe.

And by the way, dinner this evening was a banana, a pudding cup, and MRE crackers and peanut butter that have been jostling around in my bag for the last two or three weeks. Generally speaking, I try to keep an MRE cracker and whatever topping it came with (generally cheese, runny jelly, peanut butter, or jalapeno cheese (which I don't eat)) in my bag in case I'm in absolute dire need of food (which is extremely rare). Having had a couple of MREs in the last couple of days, I had a replacement cracker and peanut butter, so they will now go into my bag.

Actually, scratch that, tonight I had the set that was in yesterday's lunch MRE.

Anyway, MRE peanut butter and crackers are wicked sweet, as are MRE chicken tetrazini, beef stew, and pasta with vegetables in, and I quote, "alfredo style sauce." I don't even want to know.


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