28 March 2005

Computer Lab Totties

You know how I'm always posting about the Computer Lab Crazies? I think I'm going to start a new segment every now and again on Computer Lab Totties. For you Americans in the group (yes, I'm an American, I spell American, but I try to use British slang so Poosh and Wankerborn feel welcome), a "totty" is a rather attractive young lady.

There's this girl who I used to always see here in the lab who I just saw walking out. Generally speaking, I'm attracted to white girls and Japanese girls, period. Every now and again there's an exception; it's not racism, it's just that those are the ethnicities I tend to check out. Anyway, if I had to guess, I'd say this girl is Indian or Pakistani. Long, black hair, dark olive skin tone, et cetera. She's rather short, and I see her either in the lab or on campus once or twice a week.



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