12 April 2005

Comparing Apples to Oranges

One of the most farcical arguments against the Bush Administration's goal of spreading democracy has been "What if they don't want democracy!?" Well, let's make a further inference. What if they don't want to be cured?

LUANDA, Angola (Reuters) -- Fear and ignorance are fuelling the world's deadliest outbreak of Marburg fever in Angola, where locals are too suspicious of medics in "astronaut" suits to let them take away infected loved ones, aid workers said on Monday.

Terrified residents stoned World Health Organisation (WHO) workers' vehicles late last week, putting a brief halt to their operations to contain the disease in Uige province, northeast of Angola's capital Luanda.

"We no longer have people coming to the isolation ward -- people are hiding their patients at home because they're scared. That means the virus keeps on spreading in the community," Monica Castellarnau, emergency coordinator for Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in Uige, told Reuters by phone from Uige.

According to the loony left, these folks should be left alone because they don't want to be cured. No matter that they could spread the virus and kill far more people than just the nearly two hundred people who have died so far; they don't want to be cured, so the evil fascist World Health Organization should just leave them alone, right?

We shouldn't impose peace, prosperity, security, and basic human rights on Afghanistan. Or Iraq. Or Sudan. Or China. Or Iran. What if the people want to be oppressed? What if the people want to be so politically frustrated that they resort to strapping bombs to themselves and walking onto schoolbuses full of children. What if they want to be slaughtered wholesale?

Apples and oranges? Maybe... Or maybe not.


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