12 May 2005

A Glimpse into the Life of the Fly

You know what always aggravates me? Alright, so I'm watching Alias, and they had a commercial for "Nick and Jessica's Tour of Duty". Apparently Nick Lachez (formerly of 98*) and Jessica Simpson (his B-rate wife who nobody really knew until their show on Mtv) are going to, or already went to, Iraq, to entertain the troops. I'm not a huge fan of either of them, and of all of the people I know in the military (and they're numerous), none of them would have any interest in listening to a former boy band guy, but whatever. That's not my problem, and I commend them for being patriotic and supporting the military.

What don't I care for? Every single USO Comedy Tour, or special, or whatever I see is populated by nothing but Air Force personnel. The Air Force has an important mission, and it accomplishes it, and that's great, but it's ridiculous that they appear to get the majority of the attention from celebrities who go to visit. I can scarcely remember seeing any televised comedy, or musical performance, or anything for people deployed in a war zone that had Marine Corps or Army personnel.

I'm probably making a mountain out of a mole hill, but it's pretty aggravating to see a bunch of paper-pushers and technicians consistently getting the treatment that should be routinely afforded to the guys who are really in the field.

In other news, I keep talking about all of the overdue research I've got to get done. I'm going to start keeping a running tally, and I may add it as part of the side bar in the next day or two. So far...

  • Gnaeus Julius Agricola - 0 pages of 10
  • Caesar's Invasion of Britain - 0 pages of 20
  • The Drosophil Family - 3 pages (?) of 20
  • Mormon Historiography - 4 pages of 20

    I'll try to get that squared away in the next couple of days. I would absolutely love it if you folks encouraged and goaded me to get these done so that I can graduate and be successful.

    G'night, folks.

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