26 May 2005

The Same Old Game

Thanks for the compromise, Senator McCain. Here I was, all ready to give you at least a modicum of credit for putting off the inevitable. Unfortunately, it appears that it's blown up in your face.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House is stiff-arming Democrats over classified information about President Bush's pick to be United Nations ambassador, and the Senate should put off a vote on the embattled nominee until next month, a Democratic opponent argued Thursday.

"We should delay this until we see that information; it's a matter of right and wrong," Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-California, maintained at the start of a second day of Senate debate over John R. Bolton's fitness and qualifications. "It is right for us to get that information, it is wrong for the administration to withhold it."

If there's anyone who doesn't know the difference between right and wrong, it's Barbara Boxer. I've been listening to this bullshit about John Bolton for at least a month now, and I'm sick of it. These delaying tactics are absolute chicanery from Democrats, it's purely partisan politics, and it's a bunch of nonsense.

Earth to Democrats: we need a hardass to send to the United nations, not some candy-assed scrawny weakling girlie-man who will get down on his knees whenever Korrupt Kofi shows up.

Oh dear... I'm starting to sound like Bane...


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