25 June 2005

For No Good Reason

And now it's time for the Fly to fill out one of those silly little E-Mail surveys, and be aggravatingly vague on certain items.

1. What time is it: 18:45 PST, 01:45 GMT
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Cnaevs Ivlivs Drosophilvs
3. Current Name: The Fly
4. Parents names: Mom and Old Man
5. Age: 22
6. Birthday: 5th July 1982
7. Any pets: None currently; formerly a black lab, and I used to have some house geckos
8. Hair color: brown
9. Piercing: none
10. Tattoos: none
11. How much do you love your job: Which job?
12. Favorite color: grey
13. Hometown: CLASSIFIED
14. Current Residence: CLASSIFIED
15. Favorite food: Death Burgers
16. Been to Africa: negative
17. Been toilet papering: twice
18. Loved somebody so much it made you cry: affirmative (if you call it love)
19. Been in a car accident: affirmative
20. Croutons or bacon bits: bacon bits
21. Sprite or 7 UP: affirmative
22. Favorite Movie(s): Gladiator, 2001, American Beauty
23. Favorite Holiday: Independence Day
24. Favorite day of the week: Saturday
25. Favorite Toothpaste: Crest
26. Favorite Restaurant: undisclosed
27. Favorite Flowers: roses
29. Football Is: a sport for little girls
30. Preferred type of ice cream: vanilla
31. Favorite Sesame Street Character: negative
32. Disney or Warner Bros: Warner Bros.
33. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Quiznos
34. Who is the last person you got email from: LtCol Schoutter
35. Have you ever been convicted of a crime: negative
36. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card at: military surplus store
37. What do you do most often when you are bored: blog; read; watch television
38. Name the person that you are friends with that is the farthest away: Doug the Embalmer
39. Most annoying thing people ask me: undisclosed
40. Bedtime: currently about 22:00
41. Who will respond the quickest: N/A
42. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: N/A
43. Favorite all time TV show: Space Above and Beyond
44. Last person you went out to dinner with: Maybe that nineteen year old girl who was such a prude, and looked so young, that she may as well have been twelve? I honestly don't remember.
45. Last movie you saw: In the theater? Star Wars Episode III
46. Time when you finished: 18:57 PST, 01:57 GMT

Feel free to post your own answers on your own blogs; if you do, leave a link so I can check it out.. Thanks to Britalin, who sent me this survey years ago. It was still sitting in my Hotmail inbox.


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