07 July 2005

9/11 + 3/11 + 7/7

London has joined New York, Washington D.C., and Madrid among the ranks of major Western capitals that have been attacked by Islamofascist terrorists.

Preliminary reports leave forty-five dead, with one thousand injuries, one hundred fifty of them serious. It appears that there were a string of at three explosions on the Underground, and one explosion on a double-decker bus. These occurred during the 08:00 hour (07:00 GMT, as England's currently on Daylight Saving time), so it was during the height of rush hour. People are still trapped underground.

There's preliminary credit being taken by a group called the Secret al Qaeda Group in Europe (or something to that effect).

  • Fox News Coverage
  • CNN Coverage

    There have been Brits who have doubted the threat of the War on Terrorism. There are Brits who have questioned the role of the Iraq War in the War on Terror. There are Brits who have said, "It won't happen to us>" The number of Brits like this will, I think, decline after this series of attacks. This attack wasn't because of the British involvement in Iraq; there was no immediate political victory to be gained by al Qaeda from this event. This happened because the Islamofascist terrorists hate any culture, any world view, any lifestyle, that isn't their own.

    I'll post more developments later as I'm able.

    UPDATE: They've been able to clear everyone from the remaining Underground trains.

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