30 July 2005

A Super Fly Day

Sweet merciful glaven, what a day. Here's the rundown.

I was up later last night than I had intended to be, and wound up getting about six hours of sleep, just like the last three or four nights. I'm not particularly excited about that, but whatever. The alarm went off at 05:30, I reset it, and it went off at 06:00. I got up with the second alarm and hit the shower.

I left the house just after 08:00 and got to campus at about 08:20, and went to the top deck of the library where class now takes place. I got my compulsory chapter of reading out of the way, and then endured three hours of class that, while at least somewhat intellectually stimulating today, dragged on forever. The instructor is amazing, and very patient, and very gracious, and the language isn't that difficult, but I'll admit it: I don't study outside of class. I'm only auditing the class, I don't have to worry about a grade, I'm doing it solely for my own benefit, so I'm not as quick on the uptake as some of the other students. Between my two years of French, my two years of German, and now my one year (mashed into eight weeks) of Arabic, I'm finally starting to understand a lot of the concepts I need to understand in order to study language, whether it's on my own or under the tutelage of an expert instructor.

Class being finished, I went back to my rig and switched out bags as usual, then called the office of one of my profs, the infamous Professor Benstein, as I walked to the gym. (He's who I submitted the paper about Julius Caesar's operations in Britain to earlier this week.) After a lengthy conversation with him (there's no such thing as a brief conversation with Professor Benstein, but when you're not in a hurry it becomes sort of endearing) I hit the gym. After stretching, twenty-one minutes of running permeated by five minutes of walking, thirteen minutes on the stationary bike (where I finished another chapter of reading), and stretching back out, I got showered and changed, got lunch, and got back over to Hometown.

I got changed and got to work, where there really wasn't anything to accomplish. Rather than skipping out, I grabbed my book out of the car and sat down to read. Accomplishing very little during my hour, and interrupted only by one of my co-workers bringing milkshakes (and the ensuing group milkshake break), I finished the book. I can now confidently claim to have read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Today was also payday, and between overtime, last year's pay rise, and all of the regular hours worked doing both grunt and office work, it was the largest paycheck I've ever received. If the overtime situation is better this month than it was last month, and I think it will be, next month's paycheck will be even bigger.

I've got twenty minutes here at the office before I head home for the evening; I'm on call, but my guess is that I'll be undisturbed, I'll finally get an opportunity to sleep in tomorrow morning, and this evening I'll continue work on one or the other of my current overdue paper writing projects. Tomorrow I have a muscle PT/pool workout, I may try to change my oil, and I'm going to get my hair cut.

I am absolutely kicking ass. Despite the heat, I've probably had my most productive, upbeat week in recent memory.


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