30 July 2005

Astronomy Watch: New Planet?

Well, isn't this story interesting?

Astronomers have detected what they are calling the '10th planet' orbiting our Sun.

It is bigger than Pluto, the ninth planet, which is 2,250 km across, and was discovered by three US astronomers.

It is the largest object found in our Solar System since the discovery of Neptune in 1846.

The object, designated 2003 UB313, is currently 97 Earth-Sun distances away - more than twice Pluto's average distance from the Sun.

It is in a peculiar orbit, unlike that of the other planets. Astronomers think that at some point in its history Neptune likely flung it into its highly inclined 44 degree orbit.

I vote that the new planet be named "Hillary". It's cold, inhospitable, and distant, it's out of touch with the rest of the Solar System. Alternate suggestions include "Kennedy", "Schumer", "Durbin", "Reid", "Kerry", "Boxer", "Pelosi"... Okay, you get the picture.


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