26 July 2005

Thankful Every Day

Here are five things that I'm thankful for today.

  • The Matriarch. I saw her on the street in front of her house after taking a different way home from chance on a whim (for good reason, but that's beside the point). I stopped by to say hello, and ended up staying about an hour, and receiving a dish of ice cream, a chocolate chip cookie, a glass of milk, and twenty-five dollars that she shouldn't have given me, but that will help in my quest to return to Engaland.
  • Today I had lunch with a buddy of mine, a former Marine who, as a sergeant, ran an intel shop directly subordinate to a chief warrant officer during Gulf War II. I'd bought at least one time before, so he picked up the tab. It was outstanding to spend some time with him, especially knowing that we'll likely be working in similar fields, but in the same area, within a few years.
  • At the gas station this afternoon, I ran into one of my best friends from elementary, middle, and high schools. I'm a college graduate who has never done an illicit drug, never been drunk, travelled extensively, and has a bright future ahead. My former friend, who had better grades than me and a bright future throughout our school years together, is an unemployed college dropout who still lives with his parents, and has a "one year plan" to either be back in school full time, or at least have a job and move out of his parents' house. Ego boost for the Fly? Indeed.
  • My second of five papers is turned in. Only ten pages, but what a load off of my shoulders.
  • I kept running. The breath scarcely came, I had to break into mouth breathing, I let myself take a couple of two minute walk breaks in between sets (instead of the standard one minute break), but I kept running when I was supposed to keep running. It's not a total success, but it's a success in the right ways, and it will be better on Wednesday.


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