24 August 2005

The Fly and Anachronism: Comedy Duo

This evening Anachronism and I finally talked on AIM, and while discussing CCG's hypocritical self-righteousness, Anachronism mentioned that some of the activities that he and I have been involved with have done far more to spread Christ's message than anything CCG is likely to have done in her lifetime in the bubble. This is in spite of the fact that we break all of the rules of Churchianity. I accidentally closed the chat window, but my response went something like this...

"Hell yes! My involvement with the Socratics got me so many brownie points with God, I'm golden. In fact, I'm thinking of sodomizing a goat next Monday, just to celebrate being off call."

Knowing, of course, that I have no intention of sodomizing any livestock at any point in the near or distant future, Anachronism's response to this statement by yours truly went as follows:


ROFLMAO, indeed!


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