29 August 2005

Monday Homily

"Well, two years, and finally we make it down the end of the yellow brick road tob Sydney Australia. Welcome to ZooTV ya'll. Well we've DV walls, video walls CDI, DVE, the miracle of chromakey, the latest and greatest in software, hardware, and men's wear. We got it all here, so we're going live to the planet tonight, so let's hope this shit works. Let's see what we got on TV. On cue! Aww... No it'd be great when it's finished. What is this, soap operas? The accent changes but the script sounds the same, to me. Next... Next... Mmm... They got balls, bats, poncy shoes. Might be a rock and roll band, his is a rock and roll show."
- Pontifex Maximus, 1993


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