03 August 2006

Recovered News

Here are a few stories that I've saved, but haven't had a chance to post in the last few weeks.

In a hilarious twist of irony, a radical Islamist cleric is angry at the British government that won't let him come back into the country. Why is he angry? Because they wouldn't let him on a British warship that was evacuating British citizens from Beirut. Islamists fleeing the mess created by other Islamists, even trying to get help from the infidels. I hope nobody's missing the irony.

Twenty Filipino seamen were released a couple of weeks ago by their captors... Somali pirates!

While excavating for a construction project in Ireland, an ancient book of Psalms was found. I've been to the National Museum of Ireland, which is mentioned in the article.

I was unaware that Indiana University had an Altaic languages program, but apparently the Central Intelligence Agency is recruiting there.

Ballistic missile defense was a contentious issue for most of the time I was in college. Peaceniks recruited scientists who claimed that the system was a massive joke, and that it would never work. Others claimed that the cost of such a system was far beyond its value, as the threat of attack by Russia's ballistic missile arsenal was nowhere near as pressing as it was during the Cold War. Still others claimed that developing such a system would serve only to provoke other nations, since a defense plan indicated that we planned to use our own missiles in a first strike.

Of course, all of these objections were proven incorrect; the system works, it's necessary, and it's obvious that rogue nations like Iran and North Korea are hell-bent on developing ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons. Like America's strategic nuclear deterrant, the system will involve both naval and ground components. During the latter part of July, the American government dispatched a delegation to inspect possible missile defense sites in the Czech Republic. (Alternative link.) As unpredictable as Kim Jong Il and Mahmoud Ahmedinejad have been during recent weeks, I hope the system can be put in place as soon as possible.


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