05 April 2007

Thursday Morning Funny

And now, for some morning funny, motivated by Mo-Licious.

First, there are a couple of funny news articles; normally I keep the news very professional, but these were just too tempting. A BBC article details China's first gay television show, which illicits the response: "Isn't all Chinese TV pretty gay?" I know, completely immature.

The second article, also out of Asia, revolves around the death of Asia's richest woman, Nina Wang, who died at the age of sixty-nine. I'm sure you can all guess the headline on that one: "Asia's richest woman Nina Wang dead at 69". I swear, the only reason the AP and the BBC latched onto this story was for the potential for a funny headline.

Two words: Canadian Tuxedo.

And finally, browsing old posts the other day I ran across a hilarious exchange between myself and everyone's favorite special forces wannabe, M@. The title? M@ Can't Tell Time.

Keep it real, folks.


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