26 March 2008

I [Heart] MST3K

Hey folks! Happy Wednesday!

Are stuck in Savannah, Georgia? Are you bored out of your mind? Do you love being devoured by overzealous mosquitoes? Do yourself a favor: skip the Pirates' House, with its overpriced food and cheesy ghost stories, and visit Old Fort Jackson! I'd better stop right here, or else risk alienating anyone from the South who actually reads this blog. Suffice to say, though, that I got stuck in Savannah, and I wasn't impressed. In Savannah's defense, the first two establishments within Savannah aren't strip clubs - more than I can say for the part of South Carolina that's right across the river!

Today's video clip is an homage to Mystery Science Theater 3000, one of the most original and hilarious concepts ever to grace celluloid. (But not cellulite, which is much different and less pleasant.)

Remember when I used to do news updates? And I'd post, like, eight or ten stories at once? Well, as part of my daily posts, I think I'm going to start incorporating a couple of serious news links. In the past, I've posted a link about the History of "Palestine" - it makes no attempt at being objective, but from what I understand it's factually accurate. Today, I found an excellent story comparing the Arabs in "Palestine" to the Tibetans. It's worth reading. I may also start incorporating an "Arabic Word of the Day" or something - nothing fancy, mainly to help me practice.

For now, though, I have things to do. Have a great day, folks!


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