11 November 2008

All Our Base Are Belong To Our Veterans

Hey, folks! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was spectacular! Today's post will be brief, as most of the world's news for today was either insignificant with respect to the stories that I try to follow, or still focused on Barack Obama and how wonderful he is. So, let's start with something even more wonderful than Barack Obama: this video about All Your Base!

I still remember when I first saw the legendary All Your Base music video when I was a freshman in college. I still get a kick out of it.

So, the only other piece of news that I want to share today is that Sunday night, I attended the required course for confirmation in the Worldwide Anglican Communion. On Sunday, 16th November, I will be confirmed in the Church of England. I'm pretty excited about this, as this has been one of my personal goals for the last couple of years. The liturgy of the Anglican confirmation rite can be found here, in case anyone is interested. This was an important enough goal for me that I had actually considered spending time in England in order to make sure that it happened; as it stands, I'm ecstatic that I've been able to find an orthodox Anglican parish, as opposed to the apostate Episcopal denomination, where I can comfortably undergo this rite. I may try to have someone take some pictures.

Alright, folks, that's it for today. Check back tomorrow; maybe there will be some news worth sharing. In the mean time, have a wonderful Veterans' Day, and may God bless those in our country (like our resident Cold Warrior, Father Time) who have helped to keep this nation safe and secure.


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