20 February 2009

AMF: Social Butterfly

As regular readers may have noticed, I haven't been blogging much this week. Reason? None, really. It's been pretty much equal parts boredom, fatigue, and distractions. I've been trying to accomplish some things this week, I've been going to bed early most evenings, and I've had almost no interest in blogging. Last night, for example, I shaved my head, watched several episodes of Battlestar Galactica (Water, Bastille Day, and Act of Contrition), and there may have been some more.

You may have noticed that for the first time in four years, I've updated my picture. I may try to take an actual picture specifically for the purpose of the blog at some point, but that should do for now. Much different, I know - that old picture was taken on 19th September 2004, and the one that's up there now was taken in late January, a few weeks ago. It's been a long four and a half years.

Following up on yesterday's detour post, Chops/Crypto King pointed me at this blog post, which pretty much reinforces what I'm already doing by trying to listen to Arabic music and podcasts, among other things. I didn't get any Arabic done last night. Hopefully this weekend will give me an opportunity, though it's looking unlikely.

Speaking of this weekend, it's going to be chock full of stuff to do - I'm a little bit disgruntled, since I wanted to get some things done for me, but between hanging out with M@ (and possibly Mrs. Mike Nelson?) and seeing the Norfolk Admirals play two nights in a row, it ought to at least be entertaining. I also have an article due, and I think I have an idea for this week that will allow me to ramble semi-coherently without too much research and still make a good point.

I've collected a lot of articles over the last couple of weeks, but I'm going to spare you most of them. I eventually decided that the remainder of my posts were getting to the point of obsolescence, so I deleted the collected links. They may come into play later on, but for the time being I'm going to consider myself caught up. So, I'm going to post a few bullet pointed links, and then a satellite image, and then I'm done for today.

  • UN: Most Human Traffickers Are Women (The Onion BONUS VIDEO: East Timor's First Female Dictator Hailed as Step Forward for Women)
  • Fresh start for lost file formats (BBC)
  • Video: Combat Outpost: Afghan Frontline
  • Even the Taliban Now Loves the iPhone
  • Lessons In Survival - An interesting article about how and why elite soldiers are able to survive and thrive under immense pressure.
  • G.I. Joe deployed in videogame for first time - Or maybe not, since the game they talk about in the article comes a full twenty-six years after the first G.I. Joe video games.

    Today's satellite image, which I may or may not have posted before, is an alleged military structure in northeast Mauritania. Whatever it is, it's cool looking from space, but it's sure seen better days.

    That's it for today, folks. Enjoy your weekend!

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