I'm always working on projects of various sorts. Regular readers will remember that a few weeks ago, Captain John and First Mate Annie visited. We spent all of 10th March together, and I shaved my head before meeting them the evening before. The day after the two of them were gone, I shaved my entire face. I'd been wanting to do this for quite a while, but hadn't been able to bring myself to do it. The purpose? No, the purpose was not to look like the freakin' moron you see on the left. The purpose was to grow one solid beard, the length of which would be consistent throughout. Today is 02nd April, just shy of one month since that day. Save for buzzing a few hairs on my upper cheeks and upper lip, I haven't touched it since. I'm not sure how long the whole thing will last, but it won't be permanent - at some point, I'll buzz the neck and the cheeks and drop back to the goatee. For the time being, though, it's entertaining to watch it all come in. I especially like the way it looks with the shaved head - a decision that has developed almost out of necessity due to a prominent patch of thinning hair on the back of my head. Luckily, I have the right shaped head to shave it.
Just thought I'd share. I hope everyone's having a wonderful day. I'm off to an eye appointment, so have a great evening, and stay safe.
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