Just the News, Ma'am
Just news today, but tomorrow I'll be posting about a special event that will make Father Time cringe, Mighty Mo shake her head in annoyance, and Gus shout "Jawohl!"
Russian Ballistic Missile Test Fails (AP, AFP)
CNN: 9/11 Families want Gitmo to Stay Open
BBC: Turkmenistan to create desert sea - Some of you may remember that Turkmenistan has the cleanest prostitutes in the region, with Borat's Kazakhstan a close second. Chinkwi.
Guardian: The Anglican church's crumbling foundations; Times: Gay marriage approval sounds death knell for Anglican unity - It's always enraging to read articles, particularly that first op-ed piece, from people who have the same level of understanding of sophisticated theology and ecumenical history that one would expect from a drunken fratboy majoring in business administration. I can understand people disagreeing with conservative Anglicans, but these articles border on brain damage. Honestly.
Times: The New Calvinists: Reform makes a comeback
Alright, folks, check in tomorrow for my most excellent story. Oh, man, it's so sweet, you'll probably wet your pants.
Alright, folks, check in tomorrow for my most excellent story. Oh, man, it's so sweet, you'll probably wet your pants.
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