20 July 2009

Just the News, Ma'am

Just news today, but tomorrow I'll be posting about a special event that will make Father Time cringe, Mighty Mo shake her head in annoyance, and Gus shout "Jawohl!"

  • Russian Ballistic Missile Test Fails (AP, AFP)
  • CNN: 9/11 Families want Gitmo to Stay Open
  • BBC: Turkmenistan to create desert sea - Some of you may remember that Turkmenistan has the cleanest prostitutes in the region, with Borat's Kazakhstan a close second. Chinkwi.
  • Guardian: The Anglican church's crumbling foundations; Times: Gay marriage approval sounds death knell for Anglican unity - It's always enraging to read articles, particularly that first op-ed piece, from people who have the same level of understanding of sophisticated theology and ecumenical history that one would expect from a drunken fratboy majoring in business administration. I can understand people disagreeing with conservative Anglicans, but these articles border on brain damage. Honestly.
  • Times: The New Calvinists: Reform makes a comeback

    Alright, folks, check in tomorrow for my most excellent story. Oh, man, it's so sweet, you'll probably wet your pants.

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