27 January 2005

Somebody Save Me

Okay, remember this post from a couple of days ago? Well, here's the update.

* six page midterm DONE
* thousand word article on Iran - about four hundred words remaining, no work done since Sunday night
* about eighty pages of Quran/Islam For Dummies reading due (with notes) - partially done, less pressing since I've reviewed what I had with my prof

Now, for the second half of the week, I have some additional requirements.

* update and resubmit Microsoft Word project for Class 2 for full credit (missed recitation for the funeral)
* re-skim sixty pages of reading in Class 3 in preparation for quiz
* print (about $2) whatever the extensive readings are for Class 5 and skim in preparation for quiz

I think maybe there's some more. Basically, I'm inundated with work as it is, and it just keeps piling up, and all I want to do is sit in my papasan chair at home with a cup of tea (or better yet, a bottle of Guinness) and drift into a state of semi-anger, semi-indifference with a really tenacious look on my face. I have no energy to speak of.

Saturday can not come soon enough. I'll most likely go shooting, and pretty much put rounds down range for a good hour or so as stress relief. It's safer and more productive than drinking, which I don't do on account of it being unsafe and unproductive.

Right then, I'm going to print out my asinine "White Men are Evil" readings for Class 5 now. Bloody wankers the University administrators are. Empty talking heads, the whole lot of them.


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