26 February 2005

The Crucible Ends

Well, since all of you love me so much, it's only fair that I give an update of my week.

  • I had my aforementioned interview on Wednesday. I think that it went alright, and I'll likely find out on Monday with the help of my friend Rebecca, who works in the Career Center. The problem is that the guy I interviewed doesn't really have to tell me how I did; all he has to do is hand off the application stuff to me. I could have done horribly, and all I'd get is a canned letter from three thousand miles away talking about "highly qualified applicants" and "very competitive" and my skills being "not needed at this time." We'll see, though; I plan to continue with the application process.
  • Today at 16:10 I finished my second take-home midterm. The first portion has been done since... Monday? Tuesday? I have no friggin' clue, to be quite honest. The whole thing was due Tuesday at 09:30, so I can count on being docked points by Professor Fashion Challenged. C'est la vie.
  • I've been unbanned from Right Thinking, but I wonder if Lee didn't put some sort of quirk in there without telling me; I tried twice to post a couple of comments about the latest in a long string of "creation versus evolution" or "science versus religion" threads, and both times my remarks failed to appear on the thread. The best I could muster after the two failed attempts was "Testing, testing." I'll continue to experiment with this. If Lee's put some sort of quirk in there that prevents me from making long posts in his "That Pesky Science" category, I will be disappointed and disagree with his reasoning, but once again acknowledge that it's his board, and that he makes the rules.
  • I had to meet with my group outside of class time twice this week for the developing project in Class 3 on a simulated mission in Tanzania. Between now and Tuesday, I have to "war game" our two alternative courses of action on my own, which means looking through the reference material, then looking back through our plans, which I'm barely familiar with because one of my teammates took point on preparing the majority of Thursday's presentation to Colonel Schoutter.
  • I need to spend some serious time in the computer lab between now and 14:30 on Tuesday listening to the Quran. I've got two weeks to finish the thing, and I'm not even halfway through.
  • In the next two weeks, I have to finish reading/listening to the Quran, finish reading the other book for that independent study with Professor Clean, do a complete mission planning and course of action exercise for Colonel Schoutter, write a final paper for Class 5, and design a(n admittedly simple) webpage for Class 2.
  • According to the Law of Armed Conflict (which is to say, university regulations), I should have had one of my independent study projects done no later than December, and another due no later than two weeks from now. That's forty pages of overdue research that I basically need to get accomplished no later than the end of Spring Break. It'd doable, but it will be rough.
  • I've not hit the gym in about a week and a half... Maybe longer.
  • I've been slacking off this week on my scripture readings. My pattern has been to read one chapter each day, and read it once in the morning and once at night. A couple of times this week, I've been lucky to get a chapter read either morning or night, but I think I've gotten a chapter read every day.

    I'm done with work at seven. When that's done, I'm going to go home, and I'm going to literally do nothing. I may even splurge on a pizza or Chinese delivery, because I'm running low on food at the flat, and going to the grocery store tonight would be beyond my capacity.

    I didn't realize how busy I'd been this week until I parked outside my flat this afternoon at 16:40. With only twenty minutes to get changed and be at work, and having turned in that take-home midterm no more than twenty-five minutes before, I looked over at my passenger seat. There, sitting on the seat, was the padded envelope with a tape of my radio show in it that I'd packaged up Sunday night to get sent to Doug the Embalmer. In the entire week, I wasn't able to take fifteen minutes to go to the basement of the union building and post a little package.

    Hear me now and believe me later: a regular job is going to be an absolute cake walk compared to university.

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