16 February 2005

"I was on Babylon Five!"

I tried posting this last night, but alas, it didn't take. When I come home from the radio station every Tuesday night, I generally listen to the BBC World Service. Unfortunately, it's been sub-par lately, with stories about Nazi pianos being repatriated to Germany from South Africa and a year long African art festival at the British Museum (because when I think "Africa" I don't think "decades and centuries of senseless, racially motivated violence"; I think "art"). When that's the case, I turn over to my regular talk station and listen to Jeff Metcalf, who I know almost nothing about, but he talks politics so it's okay.

Last night, Jeff metcalf had departed, only to have been replaced by... Jerry Doyle? For those of you who aren't pop culture geniuses like me, Jerry Doyle played Security Chief Michael Garibaldi on the science fiction cult classic Babylon 5.

I'm going to have to say that, overall, it was somewhat entertaining, primarily because it was so bad. I think that Doyle mentioned about five or six times that he'd been on Babylon 5, as if that was his one notable accomplishment in life and gave him infinite credibility. It was rather entertaining to hear him talk about how unsympathetic he was to Tom Sizemore's recent legal troubles; Sizemore is/was apparently slated to play "the lead" in some upcoming Babylon 5 theatrical film, and I'm guessing that he was slated to play... You guessed it, Michael Garibaldi.

I'll keep listening when I'm up that late (which is rare), but I'm going to be quite honest: reading and chuckling at some article about who in Hollywood and D.C. is or isn't an alien isn't terribly impressive. Oh well, that means he can only get better, right? Well, we can only hope.


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