16 February 2005


It's been a long day, but overall it's turned out okay. Dr. Clean's still sick, so I should be able to get even further caught up between now and my eventual meeting with him. Professor and Mrs. Augustus had me over for dinner this evening, which is always nice; Livia Augustus' leftovers are even better than the freshly cooked food of most career homemakers.

Needing audio cassettes to record my radio show to send to the wankers at my old place of employment, I was forced (of course) to buy a couple of albums, one to play on the radio tonight. They're both Duran Duran discs: their greatest hits collection, and the new album Astronaut. I've heard a couple of good songs on the radio from Astronaut, so I'm hopeful. The greatest hits disc has the old classics: Rio, Girls on Film, The Reflex, Ordinary World, et cetera.

Anyway, I'll go through the news and post a few bits and pieces.


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