16 February 2005

Habib = Terrorist

Following up on this post, here's another post... About Australians!

Mamdouh Habib, the Australian detained at Guantanamo Bay, went to Afghanistan to work as a mercenary for al-Qaeda, a parliamentary inquiry has heard.

Australian police and security chiefs said Mr Habib claimed he was taken to Afghanistan and tortured there to cover up his true intentions.

In an interview broadcast on Sunday, Mr Habib refused to confirm whether or not he had ever been in Afghanistan.

The Australian national was freed from Guantanamo last month without charge.

Mr Habib was arrested in Pakistan in 2001, where he says he was looking for schools for his children.

But Australian police chief Mick Keelty said Mr Habib was actually being financed and trained in the country by militant group Lashkar-e-Toiba.

How quaint.


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